Thursday, May 26, 2011


Late last night (Wednesday) Nicole and Mom went to the NICU to find Savannah under Bili Lights.  They said they didn't expect her to be under them for long, but she was a little jaundice.  Here are a couple pictures:

Lovin' the sunglass look!

And FINALLY, Nicole was able to hold her..just shy of 3 days after birth!  They switched all the wires and tubes from her umbilical cord to her hands and feet...allowing her more movement! 

Savannah was very agitated by the C-PAP machine and had to be given a very small dose of Morphine to calm her down.  The nurses said she is full of fight!  However, laying in Nicole's arms, she was calm and happy as could be...for 2 hours!!!
They are hoping to get her off the C-PAP today (Thursday).

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! Glad she was finally able to hold her baby. I can't imagine having to wait 3 longs days!! Such good news. She is such a cutie!
