Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And she has a name...

Savannah Rachelle Lake!
(They are thinking they will call her Savannah Rae.)

I was able to stop back by the hospital after work last night (around 9pm) to see the progress.  She is looking much better and making slow, but steady progress in the right direction!  The doctors hope to have her off the ventilator by this morning.  Nicole said the cutest thing was when her and Cody went to the NICU to see her for the first time together.  She said that when Savannah heard their voices her heart beat raised and she started moving around a bunch!  She said she calmed down after a few minutes, but... what an awesome feeling!  We also thought it very cute and sweet that she shows so much personality...in little ways...while laying there all hooked up!  When you put your finger in her hand, she tries to clasp it.  Also, when you touch the bottom of her foot she either crinkles her toes up like she is trying to clasp your finger or she kicks it away like she is ticklish! We also enjoyed her trying to peek at us...several times she cracked her eyes open at us.  We even had the pleasure of a small grin! Loving it!
Nicole and Savannah

Savannah with Nicole

Savannah with Nicole and Cody

She is peeking at us!
We can't wait to be able to hold and cuddle her.  We are just trying to take it all in and loving it!!!


  1. She is just precious. I love the name. Hang in there; I know it gets hard to be patient, but before you know it, you'll all be holding her and cuddling her close. Her coloring is so pretty! I'm excited for Nicole and your whole family! I pray all goes well.

  2. First off, great job on the baby shower! That diaper cake was adorable and the food looked so yummy:) And that Pirate cake was so cute! Great job! So glad little Savannah is doing good and so is mom!

  3. She is a sweetie! I am glad that she is stable! Hope that your sister is doing better. Love the name and she is a cutie! Congrats to your family!
